Peer-Review Process

Peer-Review Process

The Journal of Cognition, Behavior, Learning employs a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the evaluation. This process upholds objectivity, fairness, and the highest standards of academic scrutiny.

  1. Initial Screening: Submissions are first evaluated by the editorial team for relevance, originality, and adherence to journal guidelines.
  2. Reviewer Assignment: Each manuscript is assigned to two or three expert reviewers based on their subject expertise.
  3. Review Process: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript for its scientific merit, methodological rigor, originality, and contribution to the field.
  4. Decision: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial board makes one of the following decisions:
    • Accept with minor or major revisions.
    • Reject the manuscript.

The review process is designed to be efficient, with decisions typically communicated within 6–8 weeks of submission.