Developing a Problem-Solving Training Package Based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Traumatized Children
Problem solving , Childhood trauma , Dialectical Behavior Therapy , Qualitative studyAbstract
The objective of the present study was to develop a problem-solving training package based on dialectical behavior therapy specifically for traumatized children. The research environment included all texts related to childhood trauma and dialectical behavior therapy. The method of selecting participants was purposive sampling from the aforementioned texts based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of mothers was determined according to the principle of saturation. The data collection method involved line-by-line analysis of texts. The data obtained from the review of texts were analyzed using content analysis. Two dimensions were extracted from the content analysis of dialectical behavior therapy, which were: 1) psychopathology with three main concepts (emotional vulnerability, invalidating environment, and emotional dysregulation) and 2) therapeutic interventions consisting of two dimensions (individual interventions and group skills training). Three main dimensions were extracted from the content analysis of trauma, which included: 1) types of traumatic events, 2) factors influencing trauma experience, and 3) trauma manifestations. The results of the analysis led to the development of the training package using Yusefi and Golparvar’s (2023) dialectical behavior therapy therapeutic components, and trauma manifestations from childhood trauma were incorporated into the training sessions in such a way that trauma manifestations were addressed through problem-solving methods with the help of dialectical behavior therapy strategies. The package was then validated by university professors. The calculation of the agreement coefficient indicated that this training package has content validity and can be used for improving traumatized children.